Rubicon Font Catalog
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Swiss Cow Frobisher
Ordering through Plimus

To order fonts through the Plimus e-commerce checkout, use the order form at the right as follows.
  1. Enter the desired quantities for the fonts and font formats that you want.
  2. Click Checkout through Plimus. The Rubicon Computer Labs Secure Order Form at appears.
  3. Enter your Customer Information, Billing Address, and information for your method of payment.
  4. Click Submit.

Order form for Plimus

Rubicon font sets cost $12 each for a single user licence.

Enter the desired quantities

  Truetype Type1 OpenType


Frobisher Condensed

Hilbert Neue

Hilbert Neue Condensed




Uranus Condensed

Note: you will be transferred to the Plimus secure web site.
Plimus secure site

Updated Apr. 24, 2009